[MOPD] prijave okt izlet
Marija Petarka
marija.petarka na guest.arnes.si
Sre Okt 17 06:28:54 UTC 2018
Zjutraj sem dobila še 4 prijave in sem jih že vpisala v seznam (3 otroci
+ mami)
13.10.2018 17:11, je mateja persolja (via Google Sheets) napisal
> mateja persolja has shared a link to the following spreadsheet:
> prijave okt izlet [1]
> Prosim, da vnesete prijavljene udeležence za oktobrski izlet.
> Mateja
> Open in Sheets [2]
> Google Sheets: Create and edit spreadsheets online.
> Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
> You have received this email because someone shared a spreadsheet with you from Google Sheets. [3]
> _______________________________________________
> mo na pdd.si
[3] https://drive.google.com
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